Poetry in the Park

Poetry in the Park

Poetry in the Park

A Collaboration with the Olympic Peninsula Authors Group

Poetry in the Park adds a rich literary facet to the magic of Webster’s Woods! Through a collaboration with the Olympic Peninsula Authors group, new original poems are selected each year as a part of our Summertide outdoor exhibition. The poems are located on signboards and installed throughout the park. Alongside the text of each poem, visitors will find a QR code that leads to this page, where a recording of each poem can be found.

Whether you choose to wander and discover the poems organically, or to check out an updated park map for a self-guided tour, we hope these compositions add a new dimension to your enjoyment of the park.

Submit YOUR poetry for “The Music of Summer”, the 2025 Poetry in the Park exhibition!

2024 Poets- You Can Own Your Sign!

Want to keep your piece from poetry in the park? Poets can reclaim their personalized signs by making a donation, which will go towards supporting the costs of sign production for next year’s poets. It’s a great way to hold onto a special keepsake while also supporting the future of this program. Donate at the link below to take home your poetry sign when it is removed from the park in June 2025. 

Poetry Sign Donation
2024 Poetry in the Park

The Olympic Peninsula Authors group is back for another year of Poetry in the Park. 18 original poems were selected for “A Consideration of Color”. Please enjoy the audio readings of those poems below.

Trust in Color
These Are For You, Shirley Mom
Sunshine's Promise
Spring Sizzle
Rainbow Connection
Blue Hill No. II (1916)
Color Me Curious
In Deep Dampness
Just Add Water
Better Outside
After Long Summer Heat
A Colorful Friend
The Hybridizer's Dream
2023 Poetry in the Park

The Olympic Peninsula Authors group returned for another year of Poetry in the Park. 20 original poems were selected for “Under the Canopy”. Please enjoy the audio readings of those poems below. (Funding in 2023 was provided by the Washington State Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts.)

Old Tree
Old Trees, Old Lovers: A Postscript
Finding Rest In An Old Growth Forest
Peninsula Currents
My Canopy
Western Screech Owl
A Canopied Life
Apples to Apples
The Dragonfly
Eyes To The Sky
Let's Rename the Constellations
Dances with the Forest
For I Am Art
When at a Loss
Elwha Canyon
Under The Big Top
Twins Browse Wild Blueberry
Birds Carry The Sky on their Wings
2022 Poetry in the Park

Through a collaboration with the Olympic Peninsula Authors group, we selected eighteen original poems on the theme “New Growth”. Please enjoy the audio readings of those poems below.

Old Growth Forest
Springing Violins
Spring Haiku
Praise of Nature
A Narrow Path
I Have to Chase That Squirrel
Stay and See
Spring Illumination
A Child's Temple Remembered
Rain Forest Spring Forever New
An Unseen Bird Sings
Caught You Looking
2021 Poetry in the Park

In 2021, Poetry in the Park marked a new literary element to Summertide. Through a collaboration with the Olympic Peninsula Authors group, seven original poems were selected and installed on signboards throughout the park. Please enjoy the audio readings of those poems below. (Funding to support this project was provided by Humanities Washington and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) approved by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Joseph R. Biden)

Autum Snapshots
There is Silence
Hidden Clothes Drawers
Mermaid Tears
The Nature of a Poem
Could We Just Talk